Lorne Rockthunder, C.H.R.P.

Certified Human Resource Professional, Certified Life Skills Coach, Microsoft Office User Specialist, Grief Recovery Specialist

​Co-Creator, Life Coach, Career Counselor, Trained Facilitator

​Lorne has worked 30 years at the grassroots level, starting his career working with youth at an evening program to help keep youth off the streets. Since this time he has worked with children & youth (both high-risk and non), parents and individuals as a Mentor and advisor. He is a trained facilitator and specializes in Microsoft Office. Lorne is a Residential School Survivor and a child that experienced the foster care system. He has used the negative experiences in his life for the better to promote health and wellness in the community. He is a positive role model in the community.

Life Coach

 Hazel Bitternose


Hazel has led a full life. She has life experience that is invaluable. Hazel brings to the team the experience of having been there, done that and has learned from it. She continues to offer her knowledge at public schools, community organizations, treatment centres, government organizations and post secondary education facilities. Through her Spiritual life experiences, she has supported and encourages others to live a wholesome life.

Hazel has worked all her life and retired at the age of 65, however she still contributes to her community by attending community events and goes where she is called to share her knowledge.


Life Coach

Our Life Coaches


​Asiniy-Piyesiw - Rockthunder Consulting our Life Coaches in Regina have life experience, work experience, education and training to serve and assist individuals, families, community organizations and the public.

​Lorne and Wanda are successful individuals that have been working with the community at the grassroots level for 15 plus years. They are First Nations people, Lorne is from the Piapot First Nation and Wanda is from the Muskowekwan First Nation.  Both have been working in the field of Health and Wellness, offering workshops, seminars and training. They have been on their own healing journey and walk their talk.

Hazel has been brining life to the community for many years. She has offered her knowledge and wisdom to many an individual and group.


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Wanda Rockthunder, B.B.A.

Bachelor of Business Administration, Certified Life Skills Coach, Grief Recovery Specialist

​Co-Creator & CEO, Life Coach, Corporate Advisor, Career Counselor, Trained Facilitator

Has a 4-year undergraduate Degree in Business Administration from the University of Regina. Wanda has worked 15 years at the grassroots level assisting individuals, families and organizations. She is a trained facilitator and has professionally trained staff, individuals, families and foster families. Wanda has worked in a variety of organizations from the government level to the grassroots level. She has worked with children, youth/high-risk, young and old adults. She has been an advocate, an educator, a trainer and helper. She is dedicated to helping her Indigenous peoples in promoting Healing and Wellness.